Everyone wants to hold the baby, but who holds the mother?
We also tend to plan for the wedding and not the marriage. Think of that phrase in terms of birthing and postpartum. We prepare for the birth, have a baby shower to make sure we have what we think we need for the baby, and BOOM... baby arrives and you have no support in place once you arrive at home.
It truly takes a villiage. This plan will help you share your visiing expectations with friends and family, plan your meals and who will prepare them, create a resource list for you and your partner (if this applies) of people who will be there to support you as well as medical professionals. Inside you will also find a guide to baby blues, postpartum depression- how to distinguish them by behaviors and how to seek help if this arises,
A simple donation of $8 will get this into your hands and quite possibly can create a very memorable and supported postpartum experience.
Each donation for all printibles will go towards scholarship opportunities at The Set Apart Doula Collective: Providing information-packed, inexpesive Doula Trainings and low cost continuted education opportunities for women of color.
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